Capitol Hill (PM)

capitol hill

human existence, made for competition

wrestling with those who differ,

an attempt to dominate

the human condition is one of conflict

those ready to clash heads

we the people, the spectators in a coliseum, a stadium

egging on as we watch the battle

we watch as the warriors take each other on in a theatrical spectacle

we watch as the warriors do everything in their might to eliminate the other side

never do we question the character of these warriors

for they are god-like

never do we doubt their legitimacy

we see the warrior as our protector

our livelihood in the palm of their hands

our wellbeing mounting on the edge of their spear

for this is a republic

under god

never do our leaders go against the people

never do the judges roe and roe until wade has faded

never do they leave the people patiently waiting

anticipating war, conflict

we who are the other side are victors

impeach the people to death

the voices slowly muffled in the background of warriors who will go to any lengths to destroy

the warriors are nobly obedient to the elite

they go against what seems plausible to the people   

see throughout history one thing has remained a constant, conflict at the expense of those who are on the bottom

copyright © micah hill 2024


Motions and Notions


Piece of the Puzzle (WR)