Music (PM)


music inspires us

it reignites the fire in us

it transcends race

it tiptoes past culture

it makes us forget our virtues

music is to supposed to inspire

instead its added fuel to the fire

black boys not going any higher

when the status-quo is 223s and trees

when the art is telling us that the life we're living ain't free

the truth is loss of soul comes with a fee

while white politicians look at black youth with glee

no longer do they have to apartheid or genocide

when we're doing it to ourselves

body's stacked in droves

because of greediness and loathe

hate in our communities, division

blue vs red, your side, my side fatal collision

many fail to understand the human condition

when i was a kid i listened to music and wished my hair was fine like justin bieber's

preconditioned to hate oneself

as a teen i listened to music and wished i had the abrasiveness and audacity of kanye

preconditioned to berate and negate my existence

music transcends time

music reignites the desire in us

music lights the fire in us

so why is it that we aren't getting any higher?

copyright © micah hill 2024


Imperfectly Perfect (WR)


Youth (PM)