The Cost of Lust

the cost of lust (rhyme)

immoral insanity

loss of feeling for humanity 

lustful intentions, loveful superficial coating

euphoric feeling, unstoppable, ego maniac bloating

the true price of lust is loss of soul

loss of feeling, in favor for a final goal

manipulation, false predications 

ending of sentences with “i love you”

this love conditional, unofficial, artificial, assertion all in the name of lust

the true price of lust is loss of meaning

our words detaching from the truth

canisters of lies, unfounded claims, many without proof

our predisposition to desire for novelty 

our want for domination, gripped by sovereignty 

dishonest, undermining what love means

the cost of lust is loss of love

thinking to yourself, which one or was it the latter

want for sexual gratification, human treated like matter

lust is ruining connections for temporary euphoria 

lust is jeopardizing relationships for greener grass

lifelong love, memories gone in a flash

years of dedication all thrown in the trash 

one moment of climax now that love was in the “past”

our culture climate is one that glorifies lust

meshing of man made matches, created to “smash” 

desire for what’s different, the ultimate human clash

the cost of lust is loss of self

loss of soul, loss of meaning, loss of humanity, disconnection from all sanity

while we showcase ourselves in obscenity, and uncovered profanity 

the human condition and disposition needs healing

before the debt to lust becomes bankruptcy

copyright © micah hill 2024


The Beauty Of Forgivness


Tree (PM)